November Single-product Ecommerce Website

Developed a single product e-commerce system for 'November', with functionalities including recording band performances, managing schedules, menu types, and raw material procurement. Additionally, the system allows customers to place orders, make payments, track deliveries, and provide feedback seamlessly through the website interface.


The café chain 'November' faces several business challenges. Firstly, with multiple branches but no dedicated HR department, managing and keeping track of staff records is a headache. Secondly, their manual attendance system makes it hard to calculate salaries and give bonuses accurately. Thirdly, scheduling bands for Friday night performances is a hassle, as it's all done manually and bands aren't always available. Fourthly, their menu changes a lot due to ingredient availability, making it hard to keep customers satisfied. Fifthly, importing materials adds complexity and cost to their operations. Sixthly, their cash-based payment system and offline order processing make it tough to track sales and profits. Lastly, they struggle to gather feedback effectively since surveys are only available at the main café. These issues could hamper their growth and customer satisfaction if not addressed efficiently.


Account Management
  • Admin can manage accounts and perform CRUD
  • There are four different accounts (Customer, Staff, Delivery, Admin)
Order Management
  • Customer can order drinks by browsing through menu, adding to shopping cart and checking out along with payment types.
  • Orders are monitored by staff and can be updated or deleted.
Delivery Management
  • Orders are then selected by delivery staff.
  • Delivery staff can edit detail of where about.
  • Customers can track order when delivery staff edit the details
Ingredient Management
  • Ingredient orders consists of a different stock system
  • Ordering supply can be done by admin and staff by creating supplier id, raw ingredient id and ordering them.

Technologies that I used (MERN)

JS Logo


Php Logo


MySQL Logo



System Design

ERDEmployer ActivityFreelancer ActivityUse Case